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Çağdaş Toplumlarda Hakikatin Yeniden Üretimi: Sosyal Medya, Enformasyon ve Bilgi

Year 2023, , 1 - 13, 30.06.2023


Dijital medya insan yaşamının artık önemli bir parçası haline gelmiş durumdadır. Küçükten büyüğe herkes vaktinin önemli bir bölümünü artık bu mecra üzerinde meşgul olarak geçiriyor. Dijital teknolojilerin yaygın kullanımı aracılığıyla kullanıcıların artırılmış gerçeklikle yakın tanışıklıkları, sosyal ve diğer medya araçlarının yaşamlarında yer etmesi sosyal ilişkilerinin inşa edilme, geliştirilme ve sürdürülme biçimlerini etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, yeni medya teknolojilerinin bilgi sürecine dair hegemonyasının nasıl iyileştirilebileceği, bilgi artışına ve bununla doğrudan ilişkili olarak bilgi kirliliğiyle nasıl mücadele edileceği tartışılmaktadır. Çağdaş toplumda internet teknolojilerinin artan kullanımını incelenerek bu teknolojilerin demokratikleşmeye katkıda bulunduğuna inanılsa da aslında kamusal alanı ve siyaseti farklı şekillerde çarpıttığı iddia edilebilir. Ayrıca bu makale, özellikle yeni bir fenomen olarak beliren sahte haber ve sosyal medya manipülasyonlarının son örneklerine odaklanmaktadır.


Saygılarımızı sunarız


  • Allcott, H. & Matthew G. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211-236.
  • Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge. New York: Doubleday.
  • Bogner, W. C., & Barr, P. S. (2000). Making sense in hypercompetitive environments: A cognitive explanation for the persistence of high velocity competition. Organization Science, 11(2), 212–226.
  • Brashier NM, Pennycook G, Berinsky AJ, et al. (2021). Timing matters when correcting fake news. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Brisola, A. & Doyle, A. (2019). Critical information literacy as a path to resist “fake news”: Understanding disinformation as the root problem. Open Information Science, 3(1), 274-286.
  • Bruns, A. (2008). The active audience: Transforming journalism from gatekeeping to gatewatching. In C. Paterson & D. Domingo (Eds.), Making online news: The ethnography of new media production, (pp. 171–184). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Bruns, A., & Highfield, T. (2012). Blogs, Twitter, and breaking news: The produsage of citizen journalism. Produsing Theory in a Digital World: The Intersection of Audiences and Production in Contemporary Theory, 80, 15–32.
  • Denning, P. J. (2006). Infoglut. Communications of the ACM, 49(7), 15–19.
  • Donsbach, W., Rentsch, M., & Walter, C. (2011, May). Social media as news sources: Empirical evidence from four countries. Paper presented at the 61st annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
  • Dutton, W. H. (2009). The Fifth Estate emerging through the network of networks. Prometheus, 27(1), 1–15. Fallis, D. (2009). A Conceptual Analysis of Disinformation.
  • Fiol, C. M. (1994). Consensus, diversity, and learning in organizations. Organization Science, 5(3), 403–420. Fowler, B., Franklin, C. and Hyde, R. (2001). Internet securities fraud: Old trick, new medium. Duke Law and Technology Review.
  • Gans, H. J. (1980). Deciding what’s news: A study of CBS evening news, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Time. New York, NY: Vintage.
  • Garrett, R. K. (2009). Echo chambers online? Politically motivated selective exposure among Internet news users. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(2), 265–285.
  • Han, B. C. (2022). Infocracia: digitalização e a crise da democracia. (G. S. Philipson, tradu.). Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. Han, B. C. (2022). Enfokrasi: Dijitalleşme ve Demokrasinin Krizi. (M. Özdemir, çev.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları.
  • Hegel, G. W. (2004). Hukuk Felsefesinin Prensipleri. (C. Karakaya, çev.). İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları.
  • Kahne, J., Evans, C., Hodgin E. and Choi, Y. W. (2018). “Equitable Education for Democracy in the Digital Age: A District-Wide Approach,” in Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Educational Opportunity. (W. G. Tierney, Z. B. Corwin and A. Ochsner, eds.). Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins University Press, 25–44.
  • Kelly, G. G., & Bostrom, R. P. (1995, April). Facilitating the socio-emotional dimension in group support systems environments. In Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGCPR conference on Supporting teams, groups, and learning inside and outside the IS function reinventing IS (pp. 10–23).
  • Lyotard J. F. (1984). The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. (G. Bennington and B. Massumi, trans.). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Lyotard J. F. (2013). Postmodern Durum. (İ. Birkan, çev.). Ankara: Bilgesu Yayıncılık.
  • Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral Study of Obidence. Journal of Abnormal and Psychology. 67(4), 371-378. Pariser, Eli. 2012. The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You. London, UK: Penguin Books. Nielsen (2012). State of the media: The social media report. Retrieved http://
  • Nonaka, I. (1994). A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science, 5(1), 14–37. O’Brien, H. L. (2011). Exploring user engagement in online news interactions. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), 1–10.
  • Olmstead, K., Sasseen, J., Mitchell, A., & Rosenstiel, T. (2012). The state of the news media 2012. Retrieved. Omoregie, U. (2020). Learning to think analytically is the only immunity during an infodemic. Business Day.
  • Pariser, E. (2011). The filter bubble: What the internet is hiding from you. Penguin Press HC.
  • Rolandsson, B., & Björck, U. (2008). Being an efficient or dialogue-oriented rural municipality on the net: Framing civil servants’ confidence in e-services. International Journal of Internet Science, 3(1), 55–67. Sorensen, R. (2007). Bald-faced lies! Lying without the intent to deceive. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 88, 251-264.
  • Schütz, A. (1945). On multiple realities. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 5, 533–576.
  • Schütz, A. (1970). Alfred Schutz on phenomenology and social relations. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Selim, F. (2023). Post-Truth Kavramı Üzerine Yeniden Düşünmek. Kaygı, Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22 (1), 498-543.

Reproduction of Truth in Modern Societies: Knowledge, Information and Social Media

Year 2023, , 1 - 13, 30.06.2023


Digital media has now become a significant part of human life. Everyone gets busy, from young to grown up, and now spends an important part of their time on this space. The close acquaintance of users with augmented reality through the widespread use of digital technologies, the inclusion of social and other media tools in their lives affect the way their social relations are built, developed, and maintained. In this study, it is discussed how the hegemony of new media technologies regarding the information process can be improved, how to struggle the increase in information and directly related data pollution. Although it is believed that these technologies contribute to democratization by examining the increasing use of internet technologies in modern society, it can be claimed that they actually distort the public sphere and politics in different ways. In addition, this article focuses on the latest examples of fake news and social media manipulations, which have emerged as a particularly new phenomenon.


  • Allcott, H. & Matthew G. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211-236.
  • Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge. New York: Doubleday.
  • Bogner, W. C., & Barr, P. S. (2000). Making sense in hypercompetitive environments: A cognitive explanation for the persistence of high velocity competition. Organization Science, 11(2), 212–226.
  • Brashier NM, Pennycook G, Berinsky AJ, et al. (2021). Timing matters when correcting fake news. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Brisola, A. & Doyle, A. (2019). Critical information literacy as a path to resist “fake news”: Understanding disinformation as the root problem. Open Information Science, 3(1), 274-286.
  • Bruns, A. (2008). The active audience: Transforming journalism from gatekeeping to gatewatching. In C. Paterson & D. Domingo (Eds.), Making online news: The ethnography of new media production, (pp. 171–184). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Bruns, A., & Highfield, T. (2012). Blogs, Twitter, and breaking news: The produsage of citizen journalism. Produsing Theory in a Digital World: The Intersection of Audiences and Production in Contemporary Theory, 80, 15–32.
  • Denning, P. J. (2006). Infoglut. Communications of the ACM, 49(7), 15–19.
  • Donsbach, W., Rentsch, M., & Walter, C. (2011, May). Social media as news sources: Empirical evidence from four countries. Paper presented at the 61st annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
  • Dutton, W. H. (2009). The Fifth Estate emerging through the network of networks. Prometheus, 27(1), 1–15. Fallis, D. (2009). A Conceptual Analysis of Disinformation.
  • Fiol, C. M. (1994). Consensus, diversity, and learning in organizations. Organization Science, 5(3), 403–420. Fowler, B., Franklin, C. and Hyde, R. (2001). Internet securities fraud: Old trick, new medium. Duke Law and Technology Review.
  • Gans, H. J. (1980). Deciding what’s news: A study of CBS evening news, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Time. New York, NY: Vintage.
  • Garrett, R. K. (2009). Echo chambers online? Politically motivated selective exposure among Internet news users. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(2), 265–285.
  • Han, B. C. (2022). Infocracia: digitalização e a crise da democracia. (G. S. Philipson, tradu.). Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. Han, B. C. (2022). Enfokrasi: Dijitalleşme ve Demokrasinin Krizi. (M. Özdemir, çev.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları.
  • Hegel, G. W. (2004). Hukuk Felsefesinin Prensipleri. (C. Karakaya, çev.). İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları.
  • Kahne, J., Evans, C., Hodgin E. and Choi, Y. W. (2018). “Equitable Education for Democracy in the Digital Age: A District-Wide Approach,” in Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Educational Opportunity. (W. G. Tierney, Z. B. Corwin and A. Ochsner, eds.). Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins University Press, 25–44.
  • Kelly, G. G., & Bostrom, R. P. (1995, April). Facilitating the socio-emotional dimension in group support systems environments. In Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGCPR conference on Supporting teams, groups, and learning inside and outside the IS function reinventing IS (pp. 10–23).
  • Lyotard J. F. (1984). The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. (G. Bennington and B. Massumi, trans.). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Lyotard J. F. (2013). Postmodern Durum. (İ. Birkan, çev.). Ankara: Bilgesu Yayıncılık.
  • Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral Study of Obidence. Journal of Abnormal and Psychology. 67(4), 371-378. Pariser, Eli. 2012. The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You. London, UK: Penguin Books. Nielsen (2012). State of the media: The social media report. Retrieved http://
  • Nonaka, I. (1994). A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science, 5(1), 14–37. O’Brien, H. L. (2011). Exploring user engagement in online news interactions. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), 1–10.
  • Olmstead, K., Sasseen, J., Mitchell, A., & Rosenstiel, T. (2012). The state of the news media 2012. Retrieved. Omoregie, U. (2020). Learning to think analytically is the only immunity during an infodemic. Business Day.
  • Pariser, E. (2011). The filter bubble: What the internet is hiding from you. Penguin Press HC.
  • Rolandsson, B., & Björck, U. (2008). Being an efficient or dialogue-oriented rural municipality on the net: Framing civil servants’ confidence in e-services. International Journal of Internet Science, 3(1), 55–67. Sorensen, R. (2007). Bald-faced lies! Lying without the intent to deceive. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 88, 251-264.
  • Schütz, A. (1945). On multiple realities. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 5, 533–576.
  • Schütz, A. (1970). Alfred Schutz on phenomenology and social relations. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Selim, F. (2023). Post-Truth Kavramı Üzerine Yeniden Düşünmek. Kaygı, Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22 (1), 498-543.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ferdi Selim 0000-0003-2576-4499

Early Pub Date June 23, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date May 11, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Selim, F. (2023). Çağdaş Toplumlarda Hakikatin Yeniden Üretimi: Sosyal Medya, Enformasyon ve Bilgi. Elektronik Cumhuriyet İletişim Dergisi, 5(1), 1-13.